Got every achievement, except one - as two of them are mutually exclusive.
Wonderfully moody game, filled with atmosphere. Skutnik knows his onions.
Got every achievement, except one - as two of them are mutually exclusive.
Wonderfully moody game, filled with atmosphere. Skutnik knows his onions.
Well, yes, this is surely a continuation. It's as wonderfully silly as the first one. Well done!
Clever, cute and retro.
Funny little test of a concept, simple yet could easily become a much larger game if you so wanted. Well done.
Thanks. I actually do have plans on making a longer version of this concept at some point. Glad you enjoyed the game.
Unfortunately this game can't be played, despite Ruffle doing its best. Every conversation is cut short, thus the player loses important information as the scroll function doesn't work anymore.
This renders the game unplayable.
The stars have been given for when I could play the game and enjoyed it.
I remember playing this ages ago, a departure from the previous two installments, which didn't bother me at all, variety etc.
Though I'm annoyed to find that important bits of text is missing, as Ruffle doesn't allow the scrolling function that Flash had - thus the player miss crucial clues while playing this and guesswork and luck will have to suffice. I wonder if this can be fixed somehow?
This isn't the only flash game suffering from this specific problem.
A fun little escape game, I played this back in the day - and while it's lovely that Ruffle makes it playable again, it seems some of the sounds and one scene has vanished in the translation.
Nonetheless, a delight to play.
Absolutely super charming, delicious art and delightfully silly series of events.
Kochanski's art never fails to entertain me.
So many red herrings! My brain was confuzzled.
Silly fun. Alas, the medals no longer work. Such is life.
Age 59, Male
Life man, life!
Joined on 9/22/09