Cor blimey Sir, that was delish, can I have crackers with that?
Cor blimey Sir, that was delish, can I have crackers with that?
I'm blinded by the brilliance that is facial hair!
Weeble is personally responsible for all the tunes playing along merrily, non-stop, 24/7 inside my noggin'... it's hell!
I can't stop tappin' my feet - as per usual this too shall play inside my brain all the livelong day.
Like all the other Weebl songs.
Huzzah for cute armegeddon!
We must push for free spectacles for our visually challenged Oxen friends, that they may participate in longbow sporting events.
Oh yes, and five stars.
All my silly belongs to this!
Glorious nonsense.
Yes, glorious nonsense indeed.
Mister Firth, your mind works in mysterious ways.
Age 59, Male
Life man, life!
Joined on 9/22/09