Why would there be rippin' of guts?
This is a brilliant sketch, lots of life.
Why would there be rippin' of guts?
This is a brilliant sketch, lots of life.
O-O-O-Oh... Thanks!!
Sne og frost, sne og frost, over det hele!
Det sutter røv!
Thanks :)
Such a simple story. Such a profound story.
Blast it all - you had me in tears.
Over a rodent.
A drawn rodent!
Mind, I'm aware that this may well be biographical - and if so, sympathies.
Full marks the frighteningly effective way you toy with the readers emotions, or rather, make the readers feel what you want them to feel.
Oh, thank you! And yes, it's autobiographical.
Bloody hell! That's a big wolf.
Dramatic - is this part of a bigger story, or did you just dip your toes into a moment?
No larger story here, not yet anyway! I'd like to leave the preceding and following events for the viewer to decide... what do YOU think will happen?
Thanks for checking it out :)
You have some cool drawings, by the way - keep at it!
Sweaty ol' geezer being smarmy.
Godt gjort :)
Thanks :)
There's nothing quite as frustrating as having ones style dismissed as being (insert generic style here) by people who can't look beyond their preconceptions.
We've all been there. We've all heard the "Ah, that's just like (artist)'s work" when clearly there's no connection, neither in style nor content - but it's just that the colour scheme reminds the layman of something, and without observing said layman will just assume...
But I'm preaching to the choir here.
Well done slice-of-life autobio there.
Yes! That's exactly what I meant. Too frustrating indeed. And thanks!
Yes, this is how it is! Spot on.
Thanks :)
Enormously charming, good movement and a feather-light line work.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Age 59, Male
Life man, life!
Joined on 9/22/09